Yuko was born in Yokohama to a father who was a craftsman of Japanese traditional musical instruments. From an early age, with the influence of her father, she became familiar with Japanese music such as folk music. She began to play the piano at the age of 5, the wadaiko at 6 and the shamisen at 10. At 19, begins to compose music by self-education. She also starts research on folk music of the world around this time. 1995: She was in charge of writing commentary on newly released jazz and hip-hop music in DMR (Dance Music Record Shibuya). Her days of being fascinated by House, African, Samba and other various dance music continued. She also actively held events on the dance scene, and began to pursue the relationship between music and dancing. Since then, in addition to her creative activities with Abstract Note, she has been writing advertising jingles for major businesses, providing songs to artists, and producing artists. 2009: abstract note “Another Ground” released in worldwide. 2010: Film “Scope” Original Music. 2011: Film “Mebae” Original Soundtrack. 2012: Short Film “SACRIFICE” Main Theme. 2013: Japanese performing arts company enra “Fumakai” Stage Music. 2015: US Documentary Film UNITY (sequel to EARTHLINGS) Original Music. In recent years, friendship with Japanese traditional musicians deeply, in the recording or stage perfomance, she has been making music with them. 2017: Stage music for Japanese Noritaka Tatehana “ReThink” exhibition at Omotesando Hills. in 2022, She has been open an event space “STUDIO SAN” in Yokohama that she is producing many events for Japanese Culture, Art or Music.